
WS 10: How to turn challenges into opportunities for education transformation?

Rapporteur: Andrijana Gavrilovic, Geneva Internet Platform

  • The current pedagogical processes need to be modified if we are going to recognise and be part of the digital transformation in education. The way teachers are taught, the way teachers teach, the tools used, and the relationship between teachers and the industry all need to change.
  • This right to education needs to be provided by the state and it must be non-discriminatory. The state needs to take active measures to make sure that the right to education is granted to every youth.
  • A multistakeholder approach is necessary to raise awareness of relevant tools and platforms, to optimise the technical infrastructure for Internet access, and to enhance cybersecurity, which is important when connecting classrooms to the wider world.
  • A bottom-up approach is necessary to gain awareness of what children need to access digital tools, to become part of social and blended learning, and to become digital citizens. A new standard is needed to provide digital lessons and social learning lessons.
  • Access to a computer, tablet, and to the Internet must be observed as a universal right today.

Source: https://comment.eurodig.org/eurodig-2020-messages/ws-10-how-to-turn-challenges-into-opportunities-for-education-transformation/