2. Avoid internet fragmentation
Note: The following is a summary of recent relevant EuroDIG session outcomes and messages on which you may wish to comment. Additional proposals for core principles and commitments for action relating to this thematic area are also invited in this consultation.
Core Principles
¶ 1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 1 The original model for Internet services based on multiple implementations, interoperability and open standards, has proved to be effective in countering the growth and dominance of “walled gardens” and closed platforms.
¶ 2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 Any regulatory initiatives aimed at exerting sovereignty in a particular field must ensure they do not harm human rights online, do not harm the open and global nature of the Internet, and are in line with democratic multi-stakeholder principles.
Commitments to action
¶ 3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0 The single, global, multi-stakeholder governance framework should be maintained for the key technical resources of the Internet (including IP addresses and domain names).
¶ 4 Leave a comment on paragraph 4 0 One of the ways to reduce the possibility of a “splinternet” is to avoid incompatible regulations for Internet infrastructure. Fragmentation at the transport layer (IP, DNS root) should be avoided.
¶ 5 Leave a comment on paragraph 5 0 In regulating the Internet infrastructure, collateral damage should be avoided to the services and operators regarding economic costs and availability and avoid fragmentation of the global critical internet infrastructure.
¶ 6 Leave a comment on paragraph 6 0 Sovereign states have the right to create rules over the usage of the Internet by their citizens according to their national values and legal frameworks, on issues such as moderation and removal of content, privacy and data protection, fair competition, national security and taxation.
Critical for internet of medical things functioning for quality internet. Robotics, virtual reality , quantum should all be accommodated.