WS 5: Transforming skills to meet innovation challenges
¶ 1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 Ana Maria Correa
- ¶ 2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 1
- Our current digital-driven society requires new learning skills for building the necessary competence to meet technological innovation challenges. Policymakers, businesses, and civil society should co-operate to create a sustainable working environment. Dutch public authorities have recognised two challenges: (1) the need for new types of experts, and (2) that digitalisation has changed the entire labour market. The Netherlands fosters public-private partnerships to address digital literacy and have included the topic in primary and secondary education.
- ¶ 3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0
- Universities should consider implementing projects that can solve practical and emerging social issues, including cybersecurity challenges at both the local and international level. Capacity building should encompass private and public partnerships in order to tackle the cybersecurity workforce shortage. Under-supply and under-skilling in the labour market have to be addressed together, and not as separate problems.
- ¶ 4 Leave a comment on paragraph 4 0
- Public initiatives in Portugal have been created to enhance digital competences and address the challenges posed by technology to citizens’ rights, employment, and knowledge. Action has been taken to in terms of inclusion, education, qualification, specialisation, and research to improve digital literacy.
- ¶ 5 Leave a comment on paragraph 5 1
- Digital literacy can improve vulnerable people’s lives. Bitcoin, for instance, could include refugees in the economic system. Digital identities could give refugees access to services that are denied by public authorities and traditional analogical systems. The challenge is that many refugees have no digital skills. Humanitarian groups, public authorities, and the private sector should invest on the digital training of vulnerable people to improve their lives.