
WS 3: Data Sovereignty and Trusted Online Identity – COVID-19 Vaccination Data

Rapporteur: Ilona Stadnik, Geneva Internet Platform

  • The use of data and authentication methods are proliferating, but legal frameworks for data governance need to rapidly address the concerns of the governments, private sector, and citizens.
  • Privacy, security, and sovereignty concerns are getting deeper at the background of COVID-19 vaccination certification process.
  • In designing authentication frameworks we should bring to the table all proposals from both the public and private sectors, and from citizens themselves.
  • It is important for a citizen to know how their data is used, stored, and secured: what are the stages, who has access at each particular point.
  • Citizens should have a choice to control how their data is used by different entities in a centralised or a decentralised manner.
  • Both the public and private sectors should work to develop a better visualisation of authentication frameworks comprehensible by citizens.
  • In developing innovative identification and authentication governance frameworks, we should keep in mind interoperability issues in order to ensure consistency in technology standards for the normalisation of data, while including consented use of such data.

Source: https://comment.eurodig.org/eurodig-2021-messages/ws-3-data-sovereignty-and-trusted-online-identity-covid-19-vaccination-data/