
Subtopic 3: Empowering communities: partnerships for access to services

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 2 Digitalization became more and more relevant after Covid and the new climate change-related catastrophe. Digital instruments allow rescuers and PAs to quickly identify who is in need and where on a specific territory. Nonetheless, catastrophes also make the digital infrastructure vulnerable as disruption in communication can be caused by unusual weather events. Large amounts of the population still have no or little access to the Internet, which particularly true for people living in low income and/or remote areas. This yields discrimination in access to services and opportunities.

Source: https://comment.eurodig.org/eurodig-2024-messages/main-topic-2-govtech-putting-people-first-in-digitalizing-public-services-and-the-use-of-data/subtopic-3-empowering-communities-partnerships-for-access-to-services/