
Workshop 4: Challenges and Opportunities: Emerging Technologies and Sustainability Impacts

  1. Interconnection of the Twin Transitions: The digital and environmental transitions are interconnected and, together, can achieve the goal of reducing emissions by 2050. EuroDIG supports the EU’s mission to balance sustainability with privacy, security, safety, pluralism, and freedom of expression, recognising that these elements must coexist harmoniously in the pursuit of a greener future.
  1. Sustainable Digital Solutions: Adopting a sustainability-by-design approach involves making technology inherently more sustainable while using digital solutions to promote sustainability. It is also essential to develop common indicators, guidelines, and standards, including the right to repair. In this sense, the focus of regulation should be shifted towards the Internet itself, rather than solely on infrastructure or products, by providing greener websites, protocols, and standards; and governance practices that prioritise environmental concerns. Emphasis should be given to sustainability practices for smartphones, including operating system diversity, genuine social media engagement, and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS).
  1. Human-centric Multistakeholder Approach: In crafting recommendations and guidelines, a human-centric multistakeholder approach ensures that diverse perspectives are considered and that technological advancements serve the needs and values of individuals, fostering an inclusive and sustainable digital environment.

Source: https://comment.eurodig.org/eurodig-2024-messages/workshops/workshop-4-challenges-and-opportunities-emerging-technologies-and-sustainability-impacts/